Fresh JuiceNew Music


By April 7, 2017 April 11th, 2017 No Comments

(Sandy) Alex G is still the same artist that we frothed on a couple of weeks ago, except his sandier now. Granted, that statement is a little weird, but the Philly indie rocker (hate reducing him to a title), has added ‘Sandy’ in front of his name, presumably to avoid being mistaken for the US pop artist that also goes by Alex G. On that note, let me retract my opening sentence all together. Alex G is never really ‘the same artist’ from when we heard him last. Bobby, a song that we frothed on a while back, saw G exploring a unique take on alt-country, which felt like it could have slotted on to Billy Bragg and Wilco’s album, Mermaid Avenue (one of the best albums ever). Sorry for lagging but I love this guy! G’s latest single, Proud is our Friday froth and it’s hot stuff!

To put it plainly, Proud is a really beautiful love song. The subtle clanky bass that’s buried beneath the light  acoustic guitar and shaky drum beat, provides some really nice structure to the song. With a dusty (or shall i say Sandy) piano melody that wanders throughout, G expresses his admiration for a special someone in a way that only he can. Linked by three plucks of an ascending bassline, each chorus is prolonged as G experiments with authentic lyrical structure giving a really cool edge to the third single off his forthcoming album, Rocket. Without trying to sound like a crazed fan, (Sandy) Alex G’s range as an artist and his ability to maintain momentum year after year, is something that needs a big shout out so get behind this dude!

(Sandy) Alex G’s forthcoming LP, Rocket, is out May 19.