Fresh JuiceNew Music


By June 20, 2017 No Comments

Some may very well Twist, but I clean. No I haven’t lost my mind in case you are rightfully struggling to make sense of the opening sentence. Maryland’s Michael Nau recently dropped his   second album, Some Twist and apart from realising Nau has ever so gracefully hurdled the jinx of the ‘Sophomore slump’, I personally realised that Nau’s latest body of work plays rather nicely when attending to the mundane task of cleaning the kitchen. Hope You’re so for Real is the title of the song that I’ve snatched from the LP and am pretty sure that if Tuesday is dragging on, as it so often does, then Today’s Juice will serve as a nice distraction whilst you deal with the tail end of the most vanilla day in the weeks rotation.

As mentioned before, Hope You’re so for Real is a very laid back Juice. The guitar that introduces the track loops, with a few variations, provides today’s Juice with a colourful mesh of psychedelia and blues as it’s foundation. The reverb on Nau’s voice has a nice distance to it and ads some nice textures to the already established dreamy aesthetic created by the guitar. Nau has done a really nice job in maintaining a mellow but steady groove that’s relaxing but more importantly, engaging. With the added help of some loose percussion that rattle and jingle in the background, the track remains grounded and is kept from drifting to far into space. Whether you choose to clean or twist, I strongly suggest you give this a spin.